Harumi Nakashima

Harumi Nakashima

Harumi Nakashima

Born in Gifu in 1950. Professor of ceramics in arts and crafts program at Aichi University of Education/Member of the International Academy of Ceramics. After he graduated from Osaka University of Arts, majored in ceramics in the department of design, he worked for Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center (Japan) from 1973 to 1976.

Bronze Award in ceramic arts category at the 2nd International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan
Gold Award in ceramic arts category at the 4th International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan
Japan Ceramics Society Award
Latest Exhibitions
Solo exhibition at Galerie NeC (Paris, France)
Exhibition, “Nihon No Waza To Bi―Kindai Kogei No Seika―(The Technique and Beauty of Japan―The Glory of Modern Crafts―)” at The Palazzo Pitti (Italy)
“Biennale Internationale de Vallauris” at Musee Magnelli (France)
Solo exhibition at Galerie NeC (Hong Kong, China)
“Taikan Art @ Kenbi.Com” at Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu (Japan)
“New Blue and White” at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (USA)
Exhibition, “Borderline Collection” at The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan)

Public Collections
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (Japan), Victoria and Albert Museum (UK), Museum of Arts and Design (USA), The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza (Italy), The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan), Ibaragi Ceramic Art Museum (Japan), Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum (Japan), Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu (Japan), Takamatsu City Museum of Art (Japan), and more.